Leave No trace!
The challenge for ExtremeSurvive™ Survival Adventure Outdoor is to ensure a visit to nature without leaving any evidence while respecting its laws. Below is the list of our No-Trace approach, dedicated to preserving the wilderness's integrity.
Great campsites are discovered, not created. Modifying a site should never be necessary.
When constructing a shelter, utilize sturdy branches from fallen trees. If those are not available, carefully trim dying branches, ensuring they are free from any parasitic intrusions.
Leave no trace behind. Pack out all of your waste, taking responsibility for your impact.
In the absence of toilet paper, rely on nature's own leaves and cover your human waste appropriately.
When constructing structures or furniture, opt for natural fiber ropes exclusively to prevent any PVC contamination of the environment upon dismantling.
Keep fires modest in size and meticulously extinguish them, erasing any evidence.
Always maintain a respectful volume, minimizing loud noises that disrupt the tranquility of nature.
Refrain from disturbing nesting, feeding, or mating animals. Any traps we create are solely for educational purposes and are completely dismantled once our demonstration is complete.
Carry your equipment and clothing in muted colors (avoiding military camouflage).
Honor and cherish nature, for she is like a second mother to us.
ExtremeSurvive™ Survival Adventure Outdoor frequently initiates, organizes, and support nature preservation and eco activities in our district, because nature is the greatest value we have.