
The following is a collection of feedback from our real clients. We don't like to boast about ourselves, but rather let others speak about their experiences with us. These opinions are the authentic expressions of our clients and have been verified and posted on Google, Facebook and Trip Advisor.

★★★★★ We had lots of fun. It was one of the best experiences of my whole life. 

★★★★★ Basic Survival Course - an amazing life experience. We've completed the basic survival course last weekend. The location of the course is a secluded part of unspoiled nature thriving with animals and plants. The instructor was highly professional, very informative and very patient, with strong guidance and a lot of useful advice. The course gives everyone the opportunity to see how would they act and use the learned knowledge in a life-threatening situation. An experience that will change you forever and give you a different view of yourself.

★★★★★ Great first time experience for anyone who wants to learn about wilderness survival. I recommend it to all

★★★★★ As a Prepper, I highly recommend this course and this first moves that every prepper needs to do. "First learn the skill, then collect gear". I pushed my boundaries. Thanks, Boris!

★★★★★ This trip was a great introduction for my 12-year-old daughter, and myself. Boris is an excellent resource and tailored the course to what he knew we could take. From the first fire making to creating a shelter, snares, and traps, cooking rough over the fire; and orienteering through unknown bush; the entire weekend was perfect. He pushes you enough to show you what you can accomplish with limited resources, and how to remain aware of opportunities in the bush. Great job Boris!

★★★★★ We come from Australia and spent 2.5 days and 2 nights with Boris on an advanced survival course on the beautiful Istrian coast. We gained many new skills including knowledge of fires, shelters, water safety, first aid, foraging for food and water and map-reading amongst many others. Boris is extremely knowledgeable and excellent company. The weekend was hard-work, intense, but exhilarating and hugely enjoyable. Would very highly recommend.

★★★★★ The course was refreshingly genuine for what it offered; if you're after a course that teaches practical skills for surviving in the wild with personal experiences of some of the conditions you will encounter when it comes highly recommended. 

I took the extended, three days, Basic Survival Course and found it challenging but worth the effort; with a hands-on approach to every skill. 

Boris the instructor had an evident wealth of experience which he made interesting and approachable, without losing the seriousness of the skills you're learning.

Bring water, a decent knife, and an open mind and you'll enjoy it regardless of your background.

★★★★★ There are courses and people who work there, there are schools and lecturers who do their job there and then there is Extremesurvive Survival School.

Since my departure on a trip to do Basic Survival Course and arrival to meeting point it took me about 3 minutes to decide that my 40 liters backpack filled with everything you need for a basic stay in the forest will stay in the car.

I have decided to change that for nothing but the knife and what I have to myself and do the advanced course.

Reason for that was a guy named Boris and look at his eyes that woke up my curiosity and at the same time gave me feeling of security.

No words can describe the experience I have went through those 2 days, no money can pay for the knowledge I have gained there and the inner strength I have found inside myself.

Thank you, Boris, for giving me 2 days of ultimate connection with myself and nature.

I really hope we will meet again and until that day I really need to say one more time big THANK YOU :)

★★★★★ An extraordinary experience of staying in nature without the comfort that we are used to. My son and I learned many new things: how to set on fire with wet wood, how to filter the muddy water, how to make a shelter for the night, how to make and bake bread without dishes and so on. The course leader Boris was very kind, obviously very skilled and experienced in survival in nature and very dedicated to their clients. It was a great fun and I recommend it to everybody.

★★★★★ I live in an urban jungle, NYC. Particularly at rush hour, I find myself daydreaming of running away to a desert island. Extreme survive made my long wished fantasy reality. We swam to 3 islands and stopped on each. The first island was a camp, the second was populated with lots of seagulls and on the third one was no one, only us. We spent a night on an inhabited island with tons of stars above us lullabied by the sound of waves. In the morning we swam back.

It was the experience of a lifetime.

The last but not the least, guys we kind, helpful, knowledgeable and good company.

★★★★★ Bear Grills and Ray Mears are back from our island survival course in Croatia. It was tough, it was fun, it was annoying, it was great and absolutely blissful. Swimming in the Adriatic sea with not a sinner in sight, I could go on forever. Thank you so much to Boris and Drazen for such a great time and looking after us so well. We'll be back, absolutely highly recommended. Now to sleep. Oh and we caught a snake, 

★★★★★ Let me thank you again for an outstanding stay on the island. We were very satisfied with the course, you are a great instructor. 

★★★★★ Best surviving course EVER !!!!!! Boris is a great instructor with many skills and lots of experience. Is not the only meter of surviving in nature, but also respect it, and learn how to be part of it, that's what Boris teaches. Many thanx to Boris for a wonderful time spent in the wilderness together, I hope will be more occasions soon.

★★★★★ An Amazing adventure, one of which I will carry with me forever.

I would highly recommend to visitors of Croatia. A great, professional, safe and trying experience. Beautiful locations and amazing instructors. Only 1 person died in our group which was awesome. Haha just joking we ALL made it out alive.

★★★★★ Thanks again for a wonderful and amazing experience yesterday!  We will never forget it.

★★★★★ I and my colleagues were attending your island course two years ago. 

We were very satisfied with your services, it was a great experience for all of us.

★★★★★ Me and my friends had a great experience in surviving in nature with only a knife and a rope as tools. It was absolutely amazing!

★★★★★ It was a beautiful experience. I recommend it to all.

★★★★★ Thank you, to do what you do, all of those young boys are happy for learning all that you tell.

Thank you to save all of them from the bad ways, with your work they can be safe.

★★★★★ I applied for “Basic course” last September at the mountain of Učka. There I met another girl who also applied for the course. We have hit it off instantly and had a lot of fun together. 

The course was supposed to be fairly easy, tailored for girls without or very little experience, but the weather was harsh, wet and cold during the night so we had to make fire with wet wood. We had to spend the night alone, taking care of fire and experiencing loneliness. It was difficult. We were smoked like bacon. We saw a fox in our camp and heard a lot of noise of wildlife all around us. Still, we felt very safe knowing that our experienced guides are close by but invisible to us.

Our instructor Boris (Ris) and instructor trainee Robi (Bijeli vuk) are walking encyclopedias very professional yet friendly. They have thought us so many things: making knots, handmade shelters, starting a fire in wet conditions, how to safely operate knives, saws, and axes and how to make traps. We also had basic training in orientation and reading maps.

It really pushed our boundaries so at the end we were awarded diplomas for “Basic autumn course” 

I liked it so much that a few weeks ago I went for Island Survival. I will try other courses as well, asap.

★★★★★ The course was refreshingly genuine for what it offered; if you're after a course that teaches practical skills for surviving in the wild with personal experiences of some of the conditions you will encounter when it comes highly recommended. 

I took the extended, three days, Basic Survival Course and found it challenging but worth the effort; with a hands-on approach to every skill. 

Boris the instructor had an evident wealth of experience which he made interesting and approachable, without losing the seriousness of the skills you're learning.

Bring water, a decent knife, and an open mind and you'll enjoy it regardless of your background.

★★★★★ Went on a 2-day basic survival course and I have only words of praise for the course and instructor! We weren't really sure what to expect, but what we got was an amazing experience - you really get to connect with nature, learn some extremely useful skills and have fun along the way in a gorgeous environment! BoRis was a great teacher - calm, professional, in love with the nature and an encyclopedia of answers to many questions. :-) We strongly recommend the course to everybody, it was one of the best experiences ever!

★★★★★ Very nice first time experience for anyone who wants to learn about wilderness survival.

The course itself is physically and mentally challenging, but not too hard for a beginner.

The best recommendation I can give is the fact that I plan to go on more courses held by Croatian Outdoor Survival School.

★★★★★ I was around Pazin in one of many canyons with this organization and it was a really great adventure. My advice to all is to take extra clothes because you will follow the river and there is a risk of becoming wet.

★★★★★ Went on a 3-day basic survival course last summer. The course took place in the small river canyon near Butonigla lake with dense forest and lots of wildlife. We slept in a handmade shelter, made fire with a bow drill, ate bread rolls with local plants baked on a stone in fire... the instructors were amazing. A little exhausting but all in all a fantastic adventure, I would recommend it to anyone with love for nature, wilderness, and adventure.

★★★★★ If you want to discover your inner strength surrounded by wild and pristine nature, push your limits and become more self-reliant, than this school is a just right choice for you. Wheather is the mountain forest, seashore or wild river landscapes - you will find yourself in safe hands of Boris Stermotić, enchanted by the stories from real-life scenarios and wisdom born from experience.You will learn useful skills and life hacks, but the most valuable thing that you will bring home with you is your rich inner self, stronger character, and new and improved mindset. Happiness and feeling of pride and self-respect are guaranteed. As Boris once wrote somewhere - "Freedom seekers - you are welcomed!"

★★★★★ Went on a basic survival weekend nearby Pazin. Had a great time and learned really a lot! The instructors are friendly and professional. I recommend this course to all nature lovers!!

★★★★★ A few weeks ago, a group of my colleagues and me went for the survival training. And loved it! If you go to a training you will see how much you are disconnected from nature, and yet how fast you reconnect again. At the end of day 3, you will be tired but you will also have a smile on your face for a long time after.

The trainers are excellent - friendly and knowledgeable. Training can be done in Croatian, English and I believe in Italian (our training was in English cause we were an international team).

It is an experience that each person should go through, especially "city slickers".

★★★★★ This weekend felt like a trip to unknown. I went there alone and did not know much about instructors or terrain. Shortly after the training began I realized this is going to be a great weekend. The instructors were patient and willing to show me tips and tricks how to cope with the seemingly hopeless situation. Training was tough and without the help of instructors

★★★★★ I would remain thirsty and hungry. I learned how to provide basic needs for life and in doing so I had a good time. I would recommend it to anyone who wants to test their limits.

Many thanks to Boris and Vlado and hope to see you soon.

★★★★★ Everybody passing by Pola or, why not, living in the north-east of Italy, should seriously consider booking one of Bori's courses. You will learn how to deal with "nature" in its purest form, without destroying it but being part of it. This is survival. Instructors are professional without any need of being para-militarized. Istria is a real gem and with this course, I enjoyed not only its food, history, and accommodation, but also its nature which, believe me, must be lived until it is still WILD! Natural lakes, wild horses, bears, just to mention few of the things which without this experience I would never have seen during my trip to Croatia. Thanks, ExtremeSurvive!! Really recommended! - they also speak Italian fluently!

★★★★★ This was by far the most amazing experience we've had on holidays. We went on a 1-day family survival course with Boris and Robbie. Our 8-year-old son was with us and Boris tailored a program to meet our needs but also challenged us. Boris taught us survival skills in the middle of beautiful Istria. You become completely disconnected from the outside world and enjoy nature in the purest form. Not only did Boris teach us survival skills, he taught us to respect it and to be part of it. Boris and Robbie were professional, friendly and fun to hang out with for the day. I would highly recommend this awesome experience to anyone traveling to Istria!

★★★★★ Doing a two-day survival course with basically nothing more than a rope, 1.5l of water a knife and some meat. It was great to learn how to tackle that situation and to face both physical and mental challenges. The trainers were great, professional and very dedicated. The video clip produced by them was very good and worthwhile since we were carrying no electronics at all. Definitely worth doing!

★★★★★ We followed this course with a couple of friends and it was amazing. It was so insightful, fun, exciting, dynamic and interesting. The great thing was that it wasn't some silly commercial venture, but instead a real and dedicated program to teach you valuable stuff for life, while still being great fun. Some things like eating very little and sleeping hardly or uncomfortably were pretty demanding but that's what real surviving is. It's not meant to be fun. This course really is though! Thumbs up for Boris and Vlado, very nice and knowledgeable instructors!

★★★★★ As a group of friends on a holiday, we couldn't have chosen a better activity in Istria. Instructors Boris and Vlado are very skilled and good company.

★★★★★ I met up with instructors Boris and Han in December 2013 for the Advanced Survival Course. Part of my decision to go ahead with the course was due to reviews on Trip Advisor. It was clear throughout the course, that Boris has done this for a _very_ long time and feeds on questions. He really gives you your money's worth.

Not only did I learn a lot during the course, but it was a great complement to visiting Istria and Croatia. I am a 27 yr old male with experience hiking and camping, but no survival experience. I was challenged through the entire course. It tests your mental and physical toughness. With that said, Boris customized the course to my interests and goals. As an example, I forgot to bring some materials he had suggested, but he brought extras to compensate. I went solo for the trip and would recommend others do the same or as a group. I could see it be a great team building activity as well.

★★★★★ I was at Survival - Day Class and I can only say best words for the organization of class and instructors. Very professional and lots of fun. We learned a lot in the very short amount of time. Instructors were able to handle all our questions and more. I would recommend Croatian Outdoor Survival School to everybody interested in Survival techniques from basic to very advanced level.

★★★★★ professional and interesting - for everybody who loves nature, adventures, trekking... Istria is one of the most beautiful regions of Croatia...

★★★★★ we reached our frontiers and went beyond. great experience and a HELL of fun :))

★★★★★ Thank you for the best weekend in the last few years, now, after I've rested there are my first impressions. I think the course was one of the best experiences of my life. Coming back to work I told my fends about the use of tampons, they didn't believe me. All valuable knowledge I have gained over the course, calm and composure of instructors amaze me and I see that nature and the job that you love have a great effect on your students. My wife is delighted and proud, and my brother has been asking me - what will we booking next?... 

★★★★★ My compliments to the organization where no one single second was left to casualty. My son is still amazed about this experience and he still recounts this experience to his peers. Superb course and great journey...

★★★★★ I need some extra time to decide me but it is largely paid off. I overcame some of my foolish fears, thanks to you guys and for that a huge kiss !..."

★★★★★ Grazie per il miglior week-end negli ultimi anni, ora che mi sono un po ripreso e riposato mi tornano le prime impressioni. Penso che il corso è stato una delle migliori esperienze della mia vita. Quando al lavoro ho spiegato i vari usi dei assorbenti non ci credeva nessuno. I saperi che hoacquisito durante il week-end sono preziosi, la calma di voi istruttori, vostro entusiasmo per la natura e vostro lavoro ha un grande effetto. Mia moglie è felice e orgoglioso e mio fratello mi ha già chiesto - cos'è il prossimo ...

★★★★★ Complimenti per l'organizzazione dove nemmeno un secondo è stato lasciato al caso. Mio figlio è ancora entusiasta di tutto e racconta ancora l'esperienza ai suoi coetanei. Una grande esperienza e un gran corso survival ..."

★★★★★ Ci ho messo un po a decidermi, ma sono stata pienamente ripagata. Ho superato alcune mie stupide paure grazie a voi ragazzi e per tanto un grande bacio!...

★★★★★ We had a great time in Croatia and learned a lot of new skills from the very competent and friendly instructors Boris, Vlado and Dražen. They were great at putting together a programme that challenged us all, without being too hard for anyone. 

We started out with Dražen teaching us camouflage and stealthy movement through a hostile area, followed by an 8-hour long evasion exercise trying to avoid being captured by a great bunch of Croatian trackers. Then we sailed out to a "deserted" island outside Pula, where Boris and Vlado taught us survival skills for a couple of days.

Before we arrived, some of our students had been worried about the language barrier, but everyone understood the Croatian guys perfectly. In fact, it was better than when we've taken students to similar courses in England!

So we wholeheartedly recommend doing a course with Croatian Outdoor Survival School to anyone interested in survival skills, living off the natural resources or nature. Because of our previous great experience, we are coming back again in 2014 with a new group.

★★★★★ Starting teaching survival again today, and quoted my Croatian survival guru several times "one thing, many purposes" and "the more you know the less you need to carry". Miss you friend. Wish I could make my school send me back to Croatia. All your adventures and pictures on Facebook makes me happy but also a little sad, because it has been too long since I have run with the pack. Greetings from the Turtle in Denmark

★★★★★ For everyone who is searching for something different in life. Here you can find great adventure, freedom, fun, great company; discover you love for nature, discover your own boundaries and challenging your self. Great opportunity for people of all ages. Boris is a great guide and an excellent teacher. highly recommended!!!!

★★★★★ For everyone who wants take a challenge! Huuge like for Croatian survival school and schools instructors.

A lot of realistic situations under extreme professional surveilance.


★★★★★ In every experience with Extremesurvive, we got a perfect getaway from rushing civilization and total immersion in nature, all the way under safe guidance from Boris! Thank you for all the adventures and knowledge that you share!

★★★★★ An unforgettable experience that will stay with me forever! Boris is excellent instructor guiding you through beautiful nature. You will sweat, get dirty, get hot and tired. But it is worth every second.

★★★★★ Sono troppo felice che i miei figli fanno parte dei BOSONOGI,ogni volta che rientrano da un'allenamento o un'avventura sono extra soddisfatti e contenti e ogni volta imparano cose nuove,interessanti e molto utili.

Il lavoro di Boris e' immenso,la fiducia che da hai ragazzi e'da ammirare....

Anche noi come genitori abbiamo partecipato ad alcune avventure,dormito in grotte ecc....FaNtAsTiCo!!!!

★★★★★ 5 giorni passati insieme nei boschi

Una esperienza davvero unica

Una esperienza e una professionalità davvero uniche

L'importante è' seguire i consigli di Boris e essere rassicurati dal suo sorriso....sempre ...o quasi!!!

★★★★★ Ho conosciuto Boris Stermotiic ad un corso di sopravvivenza. Un istruttore molto preparato, competente e professionale. In pochi giorni mi ha imparato moltissime cose....COMPLIMENTI!

★★★★★ Ho avuto il privilegio di conoscere ed essere guidato da Boris Stermotic, grande uomo ed istruttore, durante la mia avventura, che professionalità !!!!

The best school ever! :)

★★★★★ Ho avuto la fortuna di fare il survivor camping assieme a Boris; ottima persona preparatissimo

Lo consiglio a tutti come istruttore

★★★★★ BORIS Grande Guida.

Croatian Survival School a 5 STELLE!

★★★★★ Avete mai vissuto un’avventura dove l’ingrediente principale fosse la paura, la sfida, il pericolo, la rabbia, la frustrazione, la solitudine, la serenità, la forza, la scomodità, la sofferenza fisica e psichica, il freddo, la fame, la voglia di esserci, ma anche quella di andar via, la gratitudine e la solidarietà, la cooperatività e la tolleranza?

Avete mai vissuto un’avventura dove non avreste voluto essere se non con le persone che in quel momento erano lì con voi, con quelle, proprio quelle, che a pensare ce ne fossero state altre vi sarebbero venuti i brividi?

Avete mai vissuto un’avventura innamorandovi del posto tuo rivale, inospitale, che si è fatto detestare fino alla fine ma poi ne è uscito vincente?

Avete mai vissuto un’avventura nella quale a un certo punto il dubbio più importante della vostra vita si è dipanato con grande meraviglia dei precedenti 42 anni di confusione?

Avete mai vissuto sognando un sogno infinito, credendolo solo un sogno per poi accorgervi che era lì, con voi, concreto e realizzabile, umano, molto umano e non più sogno?

Avete mai sognato di vivere un sogno che sarebbe dovuto rimanere tale e all’improvviso invece ha preso forma nelle persone che lo vivevano con te?

Avete mai conosciuto persone grandiose, che ti dimostrassero affetto, gratitudine, amicizia, comprensione, stima, che riuscissero a darti coraggio, forza?

Avete mai trovato un posto sulla Terra che fosse vicino al paradiso, che fosse vero, potente e te lo dimostrasse con le sue meraviglie della natura, con il sole e l’oscurità, con il tepore e il gelo?

Avete mai vissuto un’avventura che d’un tratto, inaspettatamente, credendolo impossibile abbia fatto realizzare un pezzo di vita affettiva con ben 22 persone, tutte insieme, nessuna esclusa, ognuna con il suo fascino e la sua potenza?

Beh, scusate, ma io ci sono riuscita! 

Ecco in questi cinque giorni passati ho vissuto il periodo della mia vita più duro fisicamente che mai avessi potuto minimamente immaginare: ho avuto grandi mal di schiena, ho patito il freddo, la stanchezza alle gambe, ho visto le vertigini impossessarsi di me, i volti dei miei compagni scambiarsi come in un incubo, ma ho vissuto l’esperienza più straordinaria di cooperazione che mai avrei potuto desiderare o sognare. Un gruppo fantastico di donne e uomini pronti a qualunque cosa, a proteggersi uno con l’altro, a condividere tutto, a comprendere tutto e tutti con calore, affetto e armonia. Un gruppo fantastico guidato da tre uomini straordinari.

Ci avevano detto che dopo tre giorni di digiuno saremmo diventati aggressivi: ho visto solo persone disposte a sostenersi, ad aiutarsi, a cedere i loro pasti e le loro comodità ad altri. Ho visto gioco di squadra, comprensione delle difficoltà altrui, sensibilità alle emozioni dell’altro, alle delusioni, alle paure. Ho visto sostegno e incoraggiamento per chi come me voleva mollare. Ho visto amiche diventare sorelle, amiche fare le madri e amici diventare fratelli, compagni di avventura, uomini galanti di fronte alle difficoltà. Ho visto lacrime di persone impensabili, lacrime di liberazione e affetto. Ho sentito chiedere scusa, tendere una mano e ricominciare dal principio.

Ho conosciuto uomini capaci, altamente capaci, professionali e sicuri di sé. Li ho visti valutare uomini e donne nelle loro possibilità e potenzialità e aiutarli a raggiungere gli obiettivi. Li ho visti sicuri, decisi, pronti a fronteggiare imprevisti climatici, infortuni, situazioni critiche di percorso. Li ho visti rassicurare, spronare, scherzare, incoraggiare, guidare con una serenità tale da pensare di avere vicino uomini speciali, unici, irripetibili.

Ho visto la vita. La bellezza della vita e dell’umano che è nell’uomo. Ho visto le persone diventare belle, sempre più belle, nonostante lo sporco che ci si appiccicava addosso.

Ho visto un gruppo di amiche e amici che forse da oggi in poi avranno molto da fare per potersi dimenticare.

Vorrei ringraziare personalmente per l’affettività e la stima che mi hanno dimostrato: Giorgio Beggiato, Giorgio Beggiato, Gabriella Bonaventura, Daniele Cammarone, Ileana Ciuca, Tiziana Danubio, Riccardo Diana, Elga Furlano, Domenico Maccallini, Davide Merigliano, Alessandro Mingarelli, Marco Mirisola, Alessandra Nadali, Davide Ogana, Simonetta Pinna, Wolfgang Prinz, Matteo Quaranta, Giuseppe Simonazzi e Rino Talò.

Vorrei ringraziare calorosamente i tre istruttori Giuseppe Scafaro, Boris Stermotic e Luca Giavotto, per l’eccellente professionalità, per aver saputo essere gentili e forti, presenti e discreti nello stesso momento, ma anche per aver saputo sostenermi ogni volta che ho messo un piede in fallo.

Vorrei ringraziarvi per avermi dato la prova concreta di quanto da tempo vorrei diventasse il cardine didattico per i miei ragazzi e questo percorso fatto insieme a voi, sono certa, ora mi aiuterà a farlo ancora di più.

Vorrei che tutti gli studenti imparassero che la scuola non è andare in guerra, arrivare prima e vedere sconfitto l’altro. La scuola è cooperazione e riuscita di una classe intera; tutta insieme che raggiunge la meta dell’anno successivo; perché ogni studente che resta indietro è come un sopravvissuto che non ce l’ha fatta.